Friday, September 12, 2008

bowling ball

I have my own bowling ball. How many people do you know actually have their own bowling ball? My mom and I are the only ones that I know of. I even have my own bowling shoes, and bowling ball bag. One might ask "why?", especially since I never go bowling - anymore. But there once was a time, I'd say about 5 years ago or so, where I did bowl. And that was because of my dad.

During the first 8 months after his death I found it really really difficult to find the good memories. There weren't many, and that's what makes it so hard - you have to trudge through all of the bad memories to find the good ones. Well, today bowling came up in conversation and I started to recall the day I bought my bowling ball.

This must've been during one of dad's upswings - a high, if you will, on the bipolar rollercoaster. He was on this kick for going bowling, and I joined in with him and mom. It didn't last long - I think because mom was starting to have issues with her wrist. But I remember going with him a few times to bowl. One day he even took me and my now-husband. Just the 3 of us.

I'm thankful for this memory being bowled into my pin-head.

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